Product Details
Device will be registered within 24 working hours of payment....
If technical errors occurs or information provided by you is wrong then this time can be increased to 2-5 working days.
1. This is only registration service for devices that you already have. Device is not included in it.
2. Radium Box or Phil Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is not part of our company D. Sign Softech Pvt Ltd. We will not entertain any such calls and we will not be liable if you pay to them for registration.
Serial Number of Morpho not readable?
Mandatory registration of Bio-metric Devices w.e.f. 1st October 2017
UIDAI has mandated the use of “Registered Device” methodology, and by that, old public-device-methodology cannot be used from 01-Oct-2017. For the existing devices to be compliant to new methodology a software update is required. With that your existing biometric device can comply with the new requirement specified by UIDAI .
Moreover all devices serial numbers are now required to be registered at UIDAI portal.
Important features of registration
What is required for Registration of Devices?
How much time it takes for registration of device?
Generally it is done within 1-2 working hours, however due to sudden hike in registration requests, it may take 24-48 working hours.
Can anyone register the device even if not purchased from us (D. Sign Softech Private Limited)?
Yes. you can apply for registration of devices even if you have not purchased the devices from us.
If there are bulk serial numbers to be registered, then please email to us file in CSV or Excel format for faster processing.
Please mention correct serial number, we will not be responsible if wrong serial number is mentioned by you.
After payment, you have to install new RD services and drivers in your system or mobile.